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Will you be a friend to those being punished and persecuted for their faith?

Everyone says they want to change the world. Will you become a friend – an Amicus – to those standing up for their fundamental freedoms?
Join ADF International’s Amicus Team to support the right of every person to live and speak the truth.

Why join the Amicus Team?

In Latin, amicus means ‘friend,’ but we aren’t just asking you to be a friend of ours at ADF International, we’re encouraging you to be a friend to those in need. Threats to our fundamental freedoms are mounting, but we can and are doing something about it. In a time when censorship is ever-growing, it’s never been more important for us to join together and protect our collective right to speak freely.

In the legal world in which we operate as a ministry, an ‘Amicus curiae’ is a friend of the court permitted to assist with a case – and that’s why we’ve called this new program, Amicus. At any given point in time, we have over 1,000 cases and legal matters open all around the world. And we need your help! Members of ADF International’s Amicus Team grow our advocacy efforts even further, building a world where our fundamental freedoms are cherished and our societies flourish.

We stand up for these freedoms at the major international institutions, in national courtrooms and law-making bodies around the world. Today, you can join us by committing to a monthly gift that will make you an integral part of our mission to advance the God-given right to live and speak the truth.

In Latin, amicus means ‘friend,’ but we aren’t just asking you to be a friend of ours at ADF International, we’re encouraging you to be a friend to those in need. Threats to our fundamental freedoms are mounting, but we can and are doing something about it. In a time when censorship is ever-growing, it’s never been more important for us to join together and protect our collective right to speak freely.

In the legal world in which we operate as a ministry, an ‘Amicus curiae’ is a friend of the court permitted to assist with a case – and that’s why we’ve called this new program, Amicus. At any given point in time, we have over 1,000 cases and legal matters open all around the world. And we need your help! Members of ADF International’s Amicus Team grow our advocacy efforts even further, building a world where our fundamental freedoms are cherished and our societies flourish.

We stand up for these freedoms at the major international institutions, in national courtrooms and law-making bodies around the world. Today, you can join us by committing to a monthly gift that will make you an integral part of our mission to advance the God-given right to live and speak the truth.

Join the Amicus Team

Amicus Team member card showing a front and back view.

Everywhere we turn, individuals are punished and persecuted simply for living according to their convictions, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With your monthly contribution, we can do so much more to protect the right of every person to peacefully live out their faith


Everywhere we turn, individuals are punished and persecuted simply for living according to their convictions, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With your monthly contribution, we can do so much more to protect the right of every person to peacefully live out their faith.

– Paul Coleman, Executive Director ADF International

Will you play your role?

By joining ADF International’s Amicus Team, we’re inviting you to become a friend of our ministry and crucially – a friend to those who are being punished and persecuted for their faith:

Päivi Räsänen smiling while standing in the snow.
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce smiling into the camera.
Rodrigo Iván Cortés, civil society leader and former Mexican Congressman.
Nada and Hamouda and their family together.
Shagufta and Shafqat holding each others' hand.

Become an Amicus member and
deepen your impact

Your monthly gift will enable us to grow sustainably so that together, we can envisage and actualize a strategic legal response to the great challenges facing Christians today.

Join a

Know you aren’t alone in your beliefs, convictions and values. You can stand united with people who want to protect and preserve our freedoms. 

Help Christians Live Out Their Faith

It is your generosity alone that allows us to provide free legal support to our courageous clients.

Enable Long-Term Impact

Your support equips us to undertake more high-impact projects, thanks to monthly financial stability. 

How your commitment will make a difference

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We Achieve Results

0 %
Success Rate
Wins Worldwide
Open Cases

The advantages of joining the Amicus Team

A Warm Welcome

When you sign up to join the Amicus Team, you will receive a welcome pack, complete with your membership card, personal letter, and introductory gift.

Insider Updates

You’ll get exclusive insight into our work through Amicus newsletters, videos from our legal advocates, and access to webinars with the ADF International Leadership Team.

Tailored Resources

In gratitude for your ongoing support, you’ll be the first to know of our established and new resources across our five focus areas.  

Join the Amicus Team

Amicus Team member card showing a front and back view.

Everywhere we turn, individuals are punished and persecuted simply for living according to their convictions, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With your monthly contribution, we can do so much more to protect the right of every person to peacefully live out their faith


Yes you can if you are donating with SEPA direct debit within EU countries in Euro. Please go ahead and use our donation form above where you can choose ‘sepa debit’ allowing you to give via a bank transfer.

Yes, we are an international organization with headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and welcome all global support so we can ship our welcome packs worldwide.

Thank you for your continued commitment! If you haven’t already heard from us, please get in touch with us at [email protected] detailing your current monthly gift so we can confirm if you are a member of the Amicus Team.

To be part of the Amicus Team, the minimum monthly donation we kindly ask for is €15, equivalent of £15, CHF15 or US$15.

Yes, for some specific countries. If you are living in the UK click here, in Germany please click here and if you are based in Switzerland, please click here. We are currently working on tax deductibility for the US residents. Please do get in touch with us with any further questions you may have: [email protected] 

Amicus logo. Join the Amicus Team.
Amicus logo. Join the Amicus Team.

Päivi Räsänen

Päivi Räsänen, a member of parliament and devoted grandmother from Finland, charged with 'hate speech' for voicing her deeply held beliefs on the Christian view of marriage and sexuality.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce from the UK, a pro-life leader in the United Kingdom, arrested for praying in silence on the public street nearby an abortion facility.

Rodrigo Iván Cortés

Rodrigo Iván Cortés, a former Mexican congressman, punished under the law after speaking out in defence of biological reality — the fact that we are male and female.

Nada and Hamouda

Nada and Hamouda from Sudan, who had their marriage struck down by a Sharia court and faced punishment of 100 lashes and threats to their lives, simply because they converted to Christianity.

Shagufta and Shafqat

Shagufta and Shafqat from Pakistan, a Christian couple who languished on death row for seven years, convicted for allegedly sending a blasphemous text message, even though they can neither read nor write.