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Social media star challenges censorship ruling in court

“‘I felt like at any moment there would be a knock at the door, I would open it, and the police would arrest me,’ recalls Kika. ‘I cried oceans.’

And all because of a YouTube video?

Erika Nieto, known as Kika, is a Colombian girl-next-door-turned-social media star. She lives at home with her husband, with her cats and dogs. She’s not a criminal, she doesn’t kill, or steal, or embezzle. Yet there was an arrest warrant issued against her. She never thought she would have to live with that fear.

The twenty-eight-year-old is easily identified by her colorful hair, which apart from her natural brown, has been dyed every color of the rainbow: red, orange, blonde, green, blue, purple, all shades of pink and silver. Her fans appreciate her funny, charming, kind, and creative personality, and how openly she shares her Christian beliefs. On YouTube, you’ll find videos about her testimony, her pro-life views and her marriage. But in 2018, sharing her beliefs landed her in hot water,” writes Sofia Hörder in Christian Today.

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