Now is the best time to defend your fundamental freedoms.
Your generous gift helps us protect religious freedom, free speech, your parental rights and the right to life worldwide. But that’s not all. You’ll help rescue the persecuted from prison and contribute to tackling the root causes undermining these basic freedoms.
Would you give today?
Now is the best time to defend your fundamental freedoms
Your generous gift helps us protect religious freedom, free speech, your parental rights and the right to life worldwide. But that’s not all. You’ll help rescue the persecuted from prison and contribute to tackling the root causes undermining these basic freedoms.
Would you give today?
For Bank Transfers
ADF International (UK)
IBAN: AT45 2011 1829 1208 6402 BIC: GIBAATWW
Barclays Bank – Sort Code 203593
Account Number 60668400
Payment Reference:
‘ADF UK: Website’ + Your email (For Giftaid confirmation)
Charity Aid Foundation (CAF):
Defend Freedom & Promote Dignity
Your financial partnership with ADF International ensures our core mission of defending fundamental freedoms continues worldwide.
Pursue Justice
Help tackle the root causes undermining free and open societies by securing precedent-setting victories that benefit everyone.
Equip & Give Back
Build solidarity with those suffering for their beliefs and raise up the next generation of leaders who will uphold our freedoms.