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High Court Ruling: abortion up to birth for babies with Down Syndrome not discriminatory

  • Heidi Crowter, a woman with Down Syndrome, has lost a High Court challenge against the UK Government over legislation which allows the abortion of babies with her condition up until birth

  • Law protects life of children without disabilities after 24 weeks gestation

The following statement may be attributed to Robert Clarke, Deputy Director (Advocacy) for ADF International:

“Every human life is valuable. International law makes clear that children with disabilities have the right to be treated equally and without discrimination.  

It is deeply troubling that, despite progress around the world, UK law currently undermines the rights of persons with disabilities. As it stands, the law fails to protect their right to life in the womb even when the law protects the lives of children without disabilities.   

We were deeply disappointed to see the High Court in London fail to recognise this blatant discrimination. We stand with Heidi, recognising her courageous perseverance in pursuing justice for persons with disabilities, and hope to see this decision appealed.” 

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