ADF India Vanishing Girls

ADF India Vanishing Girls

Every year in India, girls are killed in the womb simply for being girls. 12 million girls have gone missing in the last three decades. Most females in India are considered a burden on families and have little or no value. The practice of killing girls in the womb is now routine. For every 1,000 male births there are only 918 female births. Existing laws were enacted to stop sex selective abortions, but enforcement of these laws has been feeble. Even with the Pre Conception Pre Natal Diagnostics Techniques (PCPNDT) (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, through 2017, there had been only 449 convictions in a nation of 1.2 billion people.

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USCIRF 2020 Annual Report

USCIRF 2020 Annual Report

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is a bipartisan commission that annually reviews the countries in the world that have the worst record on religious freedom. USCIRF uses the information it receives to make recommendations to the U.S. State Department about what countries should be considered “countries of particular concern.” These countries engage in “systematic, ongoing, and egregious” violations of religious freedom. If the State Department agrees with USCIRF, it can then take actions against these countries.

Summary of the executive order on advancing international religious freedom

On June 2, 2020, United States President Donald Trump signed a historic Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom (Executive Order 13926). The Order is the first executive order in the United States focusing specifically on international religious freedom, and situates the protection of religious freedom worldwide as a central priority for U.S. foreign policy.

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Response to the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls

The UN team has submitted an input to the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights relating to the Questionnaire of the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls. Our submission reinforces and restates clearly that there is no international right to an abortion, and there is no humanitarian exception for abortion even during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Freedom of Conscience

The right to freedom of conscience protects the right to live in accordance with our deeply held beliefs. Despite being protected by every major human rights treaty, this right is poorly understood and undermined.

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Key Principles and Essential Steps to be Taken Now

Legal Disclaimer: ADF International makes data protection and data privacy rights a priority. In particular, we have employed considerable efforts to analyze and, where necessary, revise our policies and IT systems to ensure GDPR compliance. This brief is for general information purposes only. It points out key aspects
of the new regulation and encourages you to actively engage and undertake the necessary steps that are right for your organization. It does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create a lawyer-client relationship. ADF International cannot and does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for the GDPR compliance of you and/or your organization. Data protection is a complex matter and we recommend that you contact your legal advisor to address any specific concerns.