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Tell the International Olympic Committee to Keep Women’s Sports for Women


Tell the International Olympic Committee to Keep Women’s Sports for Women

Men and women are different. And those differences matter. When society ignores biological reality, it’s girls and women who pay the highest price.

Tell the IOC to keep women’s sports for women.

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Signatures 3,578
4,000 goal

To: International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach and the IOC Executive Board

Men and women are different.

Their physical differences give men athletic advantages in sports. Scientific research affirms this reality.

However, governments and organizational bodies like the IOC have adopted policies that allow males who identify as female to compete in women’s sports. These policies prioritize feelings over fairness — ideology over truth.

As an organization governing athletics, the IOC must be held accountable for the many harms caused by allowing men to compete in women’s sports at the highest stage in the world, from lost medals and victories to privacy and safety violations.

ADF International is standing with women and girls across the world to protect female sports, private spaces, and basic fairness.

I Urge the IOC to Keep Women’s Sports for Women

A rising chorus of voices is joining ADF International and female athletes in holding the sports world and government officials to account.

Alongside them, I am raising my voice and asking the IOC to protect female athletic opportunities by ensuring that women and girls are not forced to compete against men at the Olympics.

The IOC’s voice matters. Others will follow your lead. We must act now to protect the dreams of every female Olympic athlete, in addition to every little girl with the goal of one day winning gold.

We urge you to take a clear stand against the injustice of allowing males to compete in female-only sports categories.

Keep Gender Ideology out of Sports

“Female sports and spaces belong to women and girls. Sports federations, national governments, and the United Nations can no longer ignore the voices of women and girls whose achievements have been directly affected by male participation in female sports categories."


"It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman. Girls everywhere need to know their value."

"It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman. Girls everywhere need to know their value."

“This is the sporting crime of the 21st Century. What is happening to women and girl athletes is a far-reaching human rights abuse with egregious implications for not only fairness and safety, but also for their opportunities to succeed in sports, scholarship opportunities, and beyond."

Our advocacy works for women's sports around the world

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