Free to practice their faith without fear for their lives
Nada & Hamouda were imprisoned, prosecuted, and threatened with death for converting to Christianity in Sudan.
We supported their legal defence & orchestrated the family’s rescue. “We are overjoyed that Nada, Hamouda, & their children are now able to practise their faith without fear for their lives. After facing imminent risk of death in Sudan, they are now looking forward to celebrating Christmas in their new home, alongside their new community & church family,” said ADF International’s Kelsey Zorzi.
We’re committed to providing the strongest legal defence for the persecuted Church, & we will continue to seek justice for those like Nada & Hamouda who are unjustly punished for their faith.
They were both Muslim when they married in 2016. When Hamouda converted to Christianity in 2018, Nada’s family exerted threats against her and applied pressure for her and her children to abandon Hamouda and return to live with her family. At the time, Sudan’s penal code included apostasy as a crime worthy of the death penalty.
In 2020, apostasy was decriminalized in Sudan. Shortly thereafter, in 2021, Nada converted to Christianity and returned home to Hamouda with their children.
However, after Hamouda’s conversion to Christianity, the Sharia court dissolved his and Nada’s marriage, deeming it unlawful for a Muslim woman to be married to a Christian man. It was on the basis of their reunification as a family, that their marriage was deemed unlawful. They were then prosecuted.
It became clear that if we lost the case, the punishment they faced could result in death. And if we won the case, Nada’s brother had publicly vowed to kill them himself.
We knew we had to activate our networks to get them safely out of Sudan as quickly as possible.
By God’s grace and your generosity, they’re free today.