Police target charitable volunteer AGAIN for standing silently in public area

  • NEW FOOTAGE shows West Midlands Police officer ask Isabel Vaughan-Spruce to leave public area, citing concerns that her “mere presence” would cause “distress”
  • Confrontation comes despite police force having paid out £13,000 for two prior wrongful arrests over her silent prayers

BIRMINGHAM (10 February 2025) – New footage obtained by ADF UK shows a West Midlands Police officer demand charitable volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce to leave a public area because of what she is known to believe – despite her simply standing alone, praying silently, without undertaking any actions.

The footage shows the police officer explain that he believes Isabel’s “mere presence” may constitute “harassment, alarm and distress”, given that she is known to have pro-life beliefs and belong to a pro-life organisation. He thus concluded that she was breaching the rules of the “buffer zone” – an area within 150m of an abortion facility. 

However, the buffer zone legislation does not single out individuals to ban from the area for their beliefs, but rather prohibits behaviours amounting to “intimidation”, “harassment”, or “influencing a person’s decision to access” an abortion facility.

With support from ADF UK, Vaughan-Spruce has written to police to ask for clarification that a person’s mere presence does not amount to a criminal offence.

The incident took place despite West Midlands Police previously issuing an apology and a payout of £13,000 for breaching Vaughan-Spruce’s human rights on two prior occasions where they arrested her for praying silently in the same “buffer zone”.

"[The officer] believes that just because I hold pro-life beliefs, I am automatically a criminal in certain public areas.This isn’t right.”

Vaughan-Spruce, who has been a crisis pregnancy volunteer for two decades and has prayed nearby the abortion facility on a weekly basis throughout that time, was tried for breaching a buffer zone by praying silently in her mind at Birmingham Magistrates Court in February 2023, and was found innocent.

CPS Guidance from October 2024 stipulates that silent prayer is “not necessarily” a crime in an abortion “buffer zone”. The guidance further states that any actions must be “overt” to meet the threshold of criminality.

Commenting on the exchange, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce said:

“It has been made clear time and time again through the verdict of Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, through the concession and payout from the police, through the words of the former Home Secretary and through CPS Guidance –  you cannot break the law by simply existing in a buffer zone, holding thoughts and beliefs in your mind.

“Every person has a right to stand in a public space and think what they want. The police officer told me that my “mere presence” was offensive – that’s nothing short of viewpoint discrimination. He believes that just because I hold pro-life beliefs, I am automatically a criminal in certain public areas. This isn’t right.”

ADF UK legal counsel Jeremiah Igunnubole said:

Nobody should be criminalised for publicly holding lawful views or associating with any lawful cause. The idea that the state can interrogate citizens and instruct them to leave certain public areas based on their pro-life beliefs and associations is profoundly chilling and concrete evidence, if ever we needed more, of viewpoint-based two-tier policing. 

“If Isabel can be treated this way then what does this mean for all Christians holding to biblical truths? This isn’t 1984; it’s 2025 – police must respect the fundamental rights of freedom of speech, thought and association.”

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Pictured: Vaughan-Spruce’s first arrest; Vaughan-Spruce’s second arrest; headshots, Isabel Vaughan=Spruce; Vaughan-Spruce with ADF UK Legal Counsel, Jeremiah Igunnubole

Woman arrested for silent prayer responds to Home Office dismissal of “two-tier policing”

  • Home Office’s comments “run contrary to the lived experience of countless everyday British people”, says Isabel Vaughan-Spruce
  • A Dorset retiree will similarly face trial in March for holding a sign reading “here to talk, if you want” in abortion “buffer zone”

LONDON (28th January 2025) – A leaked Home Office counter-extremism dossier says that “claims of ‘two-tier’ policing, where two groups are allegedly treated differently after similar behaviour” are a “right-wing extremist narrative”, according to The Telegraph today.

The dismissal of “two-tier policing” comes after mounting concern amongst Christians that police have cracked down to heavily on peaceful thought and expression, rather than focusing on violent crime.

On 6th March, a Dorset retiree will become the fourth individual to face trial under “buffer zones” regulations, for holding a sign near an abortion facility reading “here to talk, if you want.” Read more.

“The priorities of the Home Office seem to have been turned on their head."

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce’s case caught the world’s attention when she was seen on a viral video being arrested for praying in her head near an abortion facility in Birmingham.


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Vaughan-Spruce was arrested on two separate occasions for praying peacefully in her mind, leading to one court trial at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court (at which she was fully acquitted), and one lengthy police investigation. With support from ADF UK, Isabel recieved an apology and a settlement from West Midlands Police following her ordeal.

"The Home Office's dismissal...runs contrary to the lived experience of countless British people"

Responding to the comments found within the leaked Home Office dossier, Vaughan-Spruce stated: 

“The Home Office’s abrasive and outright dismissal of widespread concerns about “two-tier policing” runs contrary to the experience of countless everyday British people.

I have been arrested multiple times, faced an intrusive police investigation, and dragged into court – simply for standing silently on a public street nearby an abortion clinic, praying, imperceptibly, in the privacy of my mind. Meanwhile, how many true criminals roam the streets, unchecked? How many of the perpetrators of the grooming gangs were left unaccountable for their violent and despicable actions towards children?

The priorities of the Home Office seem to have been turned on their head. They must acknowledge their misstep here before entirely losing the confidence of the public.”

"The Home Office must direct resources to where they're needed most"

Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, who supported the defense of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce and others prosecuted for their thoughts and peaceful speech, said:

“Over the last 3 years, we’ve supported several individuals in court who have been prosecuted simply for praying, or offering help, near abortion facilities.

In the wider public square, we’ve also given our support to innocent people like Dia Moodley, a preacher from Bristol, who was arrested and put in cells simply for comparing Islam to Christianity in response to a question.

While the Home Office has committed significant time and resources to cracking down on the expression – or even contemplation of – Christian beliefs, the crime rate statistics prove that they have not directed police resources to where it’s needed most.”

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PICTURED: Isabel Vaughan-Spruce; Jeremiah Igunnubole (ADF UK); Livia Tossici-Bolt

“Influencing” to be criminalised near abortion facilities from THURSDAY as government set to roll out “buffer zones” nationwide 

  • Move comes weeks after first UK man convicted for silent prayer “thoughtcrime” in shock Bournemouth “buffer zone” ruling
  • Almost 60,000 people sign open letter asking Keir Starmer to protect freedom of thought 
  • ADF UK, supporting the legal defence of four individuals prosecuted for praying or offering help in a “buffer zone”, raise concerns about freedom of speech and thought 

LONDON (29 October 2024) – UK authorities will enforce “buffer zones” around every abortion facility in England & Wales from Thursday 31st October.  

Under the national law, “influencing” someone’s decision to “access” abortion services will become a crime within 150m of any abortion facility.

"The law is written so vaguely that peaceful, consensual conversations, or even silent thoughts, could be made illegal on certain streets of England."

The vague wording of the law has drawn criticism from free speech advocates who fear it will be used to crack down on innocent, consensual conversation between adults – or even silent prayers. 

Almost 60,000 people have signed a letter of concern to Keir Starmer, highlighting worrying prosecutions on account of silent prayers in local “buffer zones”, and asking that the government act to protect freedom of thought. 

In anticipation of the new law, Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, said: 

“We all stand against harassment and intimidation. But the Public Order Act goes much further by banning “influencing”. Could this apply to the advice given by a parent? A concerned word from a friend? Information made available through a crisis pregnancy volunteer? The law is written so vaguely that peaceful, consensual conversations or even silent thoughts could be made illegal on certain streets of England. We have already seen the prosecution of individuals like Adam Smith-Connor, who only stopped to pray in his mind for a few minutes, under these censorial and far-reaching “buffer zone” rules. 

“The right to hold a consensual conversation, or engage in silent prayer, constitute the most basic of human rights. They are protected robustly by international legal provisions relating to freedom of thought and speech. The entire premise of censorial buffer zone legislation is that women should be able to choose to access abortion without hindrance. The legal elephant in the room should be obvious to see. If the law states that a woman can choose to abort their unborn child without hindrance, even the “hindrance” of lawful alternatives to abortion, how can the law criminalise women when they choose to engage in lawful, harmless and consensual conversations?  

“This is a watershed moment for British freedoms, and one the public must not take lightly. A failure to protect thought and peaceful speech anywhere creates a threat to these rights everywhere. Buffer zones or otherwise, we should uncompromisingly safeguard the rights on which our democracy is based.” 

Policing Thought

Last year, charitable volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested twice for the silent prayers she held in her mind.  After being found innocent at trial, Vaughan-Spruce later received a police payout on account of her wrongful arrests.  

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Reflecting on the new laws being enforced on October 31st, Vaughan-Spruce said: 

“Having been arrested, tried, and dragged through the legal system for months on account of my silent prayer – only to be found innocent and receive a payout for my unlawful arrest – it’s deeply concerning to see vaguely-worded legislation come in which could punish people like me who are just there to help, to talk peacefully, or to pray. The government should urgently clarify that consensual conversations between adults – and silent thoughts and prayers – are protected in domestic and international law. This isn’t 1984 – we mustn’t police thought on the streets of Britain.”   

Criminalising Help

Women who have benefited from the presence of pro-life volunteers standing near abortion facilities have formed a campaign group, “Be Here For Me”, asking for crisis pregnancy support groups to be protected from criminalisation in “buffer zones”.

"Removing the option to receive help to keep a child in case we feel offended is deeply patronising."

Alina Dulgheriu, who received help to continue her pregnancy after recieving a leaflet from a pro-life volunteer on the public street near an abortion facility, said:

“It is worrying that we will consider denying vulnerable woman access to potential life-changing information – especially when facing one of the most challenging decision of their lives that could have lasting ramification on their mental and physical health.  

“Removing the option to receive help to keep a child in case we feel offended is deeply patronising and assumes that women can’t make a decision for ourselves or that we might choose the wrong option.

My case is not a one-off. There are many hundreds of women just like me who have benefitted from this support. Yet we are all too often ignored.”

Convicted for a Prayer

The rollout of the new law, which was passed under the Conservative Government’s watch as part of the Public Order Act 2023, comes just weeks after the first man was convicted for a “thoughtcrime” inside a local buffer zone in modern British history. 

Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council charged Adam Smith-Connor, a military veteran and father of two, following an interrogation by officers on “the nature of his prayers” when he stopped to pray for a few minutes near an abortion facility in November 2022.   

The Court sentenced Smith-Connor to a conditional discharge and ordered him to pay prosecution costs of £9,000.  

Despite battling bankruptcy warnings and being forced to cut “all non-essential spending”, Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council spent more than £100,000 on legal fees to prosecute the offence, which carries a maximum penalty of £1,000. 

Responding to the ruling, Smith-Connor stated:  

“Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts – silent thoughts – can be illegal in the United Kingdom. That cannot be right. All I did was pray to God, in the privacy of my own mind – and yet I stand convicted as a criminal?  

“I served for 20 years in the army reserves, including a tour in Afghanistan, to protect the fundamental freedoms that this country is built upon. I continue that spirit of service as a health care professional and church volunteer. It troubles me greatly to see our freedoms eroded to the extent that thoughtcrimes are now being prosecuted in the UK.”  

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Pictured: Jeremiah Igunnubole; Isabel Vaughan-Spruce; Adam Smith-Connor; Alina Dulgheriu with her daughter

US Government agency condemns UK silent prayer arrest 

  • In its latest report, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) highlights that the European governments have “targeted individuals for their peaceful religious expression”  
  • Arrest of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for silently praying in an abortion “buffer zone” listed as primary example  
  • UK Home Office to release guidance on “buffer zone” policing imminently – abortion advocates lobby for silent prayer to be punished 

LONDON (14th May 2024) – A U.S. federal government commission has called out the unjust arrest of a silently praying Christian in Birmingham, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, in its annual international report. 

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) was established as part of the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), which mandates that U.S. policy includes condemning violations of religious freedom abroad and assisting foreign governments to protect this fundamental human right. Commissioners are appointed by the President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. 

The 2024 annual report highlighted the high-profile arrest of Vaughan-Spruce as an example of European governments “targeting individuals for their peaceful religious expression”.  

Responding to the news, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce said: 

Arresting individuals for silent prayer has put Britain in a position of global embarrassment. Nobody should be criminalised for their mere thoughts – this is a basic principle of a liberal democracy. If we can’t get that right at home, how are we meant to uphold human rights on the world stage? 

I was searched, arrested, put in a police van, charged and placed on trial for a “thoughtcrime” – for peacefully and imperceptibly praying outside an abortion facility. With support from ADF UK, I was fully vindicated in court – but my case isn’t a one-off. The Home Office can prevent my arrest from recurring by clarifying in their upcoming guidance that, while we all condemn harassment, freedom of thought and consensual conversation must remain free.” 

"Arresting individuals for silent prayer has put Britain in a position of global embarrassment. Nobody should be criminalised for their mere thoughts – this is a basic principle of a liberal democracy."

Arrested for a “Thoughtcrime”

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested twice in 2023 for silently praying in a “buffer zone” in Birmingham. A Public Spaces Protection Order had been installed by local authorities to ban all expressions of “approval or disapproval” of abortion on the streets near an abortion facility. In what is widely thought to be the first “thoughtcrime” case in 21st Century Britain, Vaughan-Spruce was charged even though she had prayed imperceptibly and not expressed any opinion outside of her own mind. 

A Catholic priest, Father Sean Gough, was also charged for holding a sign within a buffer zone reading “praying for free speech”. Both were tried at Birmingham Magistrates Court and fully acquitted of all charges with legal support from ADF UK, after the prosecution were able to offer “no evidence”. 

Two further individuals – Adam Smith-Connor and Livia Tossici-Bolt – will face trial later this year after both being charged with breaching “buffer zones” on separate occasions in Bournemouth.  

Adam Smith-Connor, like Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, prayed silently in his head. Livia Tossici-Bolt, a long-term crisis pregnancy support volunteer, held a sign reading “Here to talk, if you want”. 

Watch Isabel’s second arrest, sparking the condemnation of the US Commission, below:


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Home Office guidance expected to be published imminently

Draft guidance issued by the Home Office in December clarified that national “buffer zones” would not prohibit silent prayer, nor consensual conversations between adults within the zone. International law requires the UK government to protect freedom of thought as an absolute right. The right to engage freely and consensually in conversations is protected by the fundamental right to freedom of speech.  Labour’s Rupa Huq and Conservative Sir Bernard Jenkin reportedly met with the Home Office recently to demand a stronger crackdown on silent prayer occurring within 150m of abortion facilities.   Yet several other members of parliament have spoken up for maintaining protections on silent prayer and consensual conversation in the guidance.  

Yet several other members of parliament have spoken up for maintaining protections on silent prayer and consensual conversation in the guidance.  

Andrew Lewer MP said: 

“The Home Office guidance on buffer zones should at least protect these in order to uphold international standards on freedom of speech and of thought.  

 “While police crack down on these peaceful activities, they expose a double standard where protesters on different ideological issues are allowed much wider scope to express their beliefs.” 


The final guidance is expected to be published imminently. 

Speaking about the “thoughtcrime” trials seen in Britain, Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK said: 

The principle of freedom of thought and speech must be defended both within and outside ‘buffer zones’. To his credit, the Home Secretary has, thus far, sought to keep our country in line with international law by underlining the importance of protecting freedom of thought as an absolute right, and protecting the right to freely engage in consensual conversations, which is the lifeblood of any genuinely thriving democracy.  

That said, it is crucially important that he holds firm in the face of concerted pressure from a vocal minority of backbench MPs who, unsatisfied with introducing arguably the most censorial legislation in modern British history, are now seeking to criminalise the innermost thoughts of law abiding citizens and even consensual discussions. These efforts of a handful of Labour and Conservative backbenchers are nothing short of Orwellian and are undoubtedly the first step to the normalization of state-endorsed content-based censorship,” commented Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK. 

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Vindicated charity volunteer arrested for silent prayer in an abortion “buffer zone” testifies to Scottish Parliament 

  •  Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who was arrested for praying silently in a viral video, asks Scottish parliament to protect freedom of thought in “buffer zones” bill 
  • Scottish proposal could ban prayer and pro-life conversations even inside houses within 150m or more of abortion facilities
  • Mother helped by pro-life volunteers also to testify to parliament against censorial “buffer zones” today

EDINBURGH (12 March 2024) – The charitable volunteer who was arrested for praying silently in a controversial “buffer zones” case in Birmingham will today testify to Holyrood about her experience of being prosecuted for a “thoughtcrime”. 

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was seen being arrested on a viral video last winter when she said she “might be praying inside [her] head”. She was charged with “engaging in an act that is intimidating to service users” within the buffer zone of an abortion clinic – despite the clinic having been closed.   

She was later fully acquitted at Birmingham Magistrates Court after the prosecution could offer no evidence as to her thoughts. 


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"After having to clear my name in court, I was rearrested two weeks later being told ‘my prayers were an offence’.. I’m concerned that this will end up happening in Scotland. Nobody should be punished for a “thoughtcrime” - yet this proposed legislation could easily allow that to happen."

Vaughan-Spruce is expected to address the parliamentary Committee on Health, Social Care and Sports with the following remarks: 

“Since the implementation of the buffer zone in Birmingham, I have been arrested simply for standing silently near the closed abortion centre – the justification being that this was intimidating service users (I remind you it was closed, there were no service users). After having to clear my name in court I was rearrested two weeks later being told ‘my prayers were an offence’. I’m concerned that this will end up happening in Scotland. Nobody should be punished for a “thoughtcrime” – yet this proposed legislation could easily allow that to happen. 

We are all against harassment. We already have laws to prohibit that and all pro-life leaders would willingly work with any authority to condemn harassment.  

 But buffer zones go much further than only banning harassment – and instead criminalise helpful charity work or even prayer. The buffer zone has created a huge amount of division in our area, and many locals tell me that they are now fearful to share their beliefs with their neighbours. The community has become polarised and the buffer zone has fostered intolerance. I wholly recommend that the Scottish government protect freedom of thought and of speech in Scotland, and promote tolerance rather than censorship.” 

The architect of the “buffer zones” bill, Gillian McKay MSP of the Green Party, will also be a member of the parliamentary committee scrutinizing the bill and hearing testimonies from those impacted by it.  

The bill has recieved criticism from free speech advocates, who raise concern that the vague and ambiguous language of the text could crack down on peaceful conversation and even thought.

Scotland’s buffer zone bill is one of the most extensive crackdowns on pro-life thought and speech we’ve seen. As drafted, it could even ban prayer and peaceful pro-life speech within homes if they are situated sufficiently near an abortion facility. The proposal would also allow the 150m distance of the buffer zone to be expanded by local authorities to an unlimited extent. It is vital that the parliament take heed of the stories of Alina and Isabel, and uphold their duty to protect freedom of thought, offers of help, and consensual conversation,” said Lois McLatchie Miller, spokesperson for ADF UK in Scotland.

Mother helped by pro-life volunteers also to testify against censorial “buffer zones”

Also giving testimony to the committee today is Alina Dulgheriu, a mother who recieved help at her point of critical need outside an abortion facility in Ealing, London. 

Dulgheriu credits pro-life volunteers with empowering her to make her wanted choice to continue her pregnancy despite financial and social pressures placed on her to abort. 

Hear Alina’s story >>



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Dulgheriu has since established the “Be Here For Me” campaign, collecting testimonies of other women who have been positively impacted by the presence and services offered by charitable pro-life volunteers. Dulghieriu will call on the Scottish government to allow volunteers to continue the work that she views as “life-saving”. 

“I didn’t want an abortion but I was abandoned by my partner, my friends and society. My financial situation at the time would have made raising a child very challenging. Thanks to the help I was offered by a group outside of a clinic before my appointment, my daughter is here today. Stopping people from offering much-needed services and resources for women in my situation is wrong. Let them help,” Alina Dulgheriu, spokesperson for Be Here For Me, commented on the implementation of censorial “buffer zones”. 

"Thanks to the help I was offered by a group outside of a clinic before my appointment, my daughter is here today. Stopping people from offering much-needed services and resources for women in my situation is wrong. Let them help."

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Pictured: Isabel Vaughan-Spruce; Alina Dulgheriu

Two MPs push for further crackdown on silent prayer despite outcry over “thought crime” arrests

  • MPs have approached the Home Office demanding a change to draft guidance on “buffer zones” to censor silent thoughts within 150m of abortion facilities 
  • Politicians ignore public outcry over incidents of arrests for silent prayer in the past year; ADF UK have supported the legal defence of 3  individuals charged over “thoughtcrime” 

LONDON (3 February 2024) – Labour’s Rupa Huq and Conservative Sir Bernard Jenkin reportedly met with the Home Office this week to demand a stronger crackdown on silent prayer occurring within 150m of abortion facilities.

Parliament voted to introduce “buffer zones” as part of the Public Order Act 2023, with vague legislation which would prohibit all forms of “influencing” within a large area of public space near the abortion facility.

The draft guidance issued by the Home Office clarified that the prohibition would not concern silent prayer, nor consensual conversations between adults within the zone. International law requires the UK government to protect freedom of thought as an absolute right. The right to engage freely and consensually in conversations is protected by the fundamental right to freedom of speech.

“The relentless efforts of MPs to further target silent prayer expose the falsity that this campaign is about preventing harassment. We all agree that harassment is wrong, it has always been unlawful and the police have indicated they have the tools to deal with it. In demanding changes to the guidance to ensure it captures prayer, these MPs have unwittingly exposed the reality of who they were seeking to target in the first place,” said Jeremiah Igunnubole, Legal Counsel for ADF UK.

Public Outrage at arrests for silent prayer

The guidance follows various incidents within the past year where, under existing laws, local authorities have introduced local “buffer zones”, and individuals have been arrested merely for praying silently in their minds.

Last year, a video of charitable volunteer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce caused public outrage after she was arrested for saying that she “might be praying inside [her] head.” The footage was viewed over 15 million times on X (formerly Twitter).

Vaughan-Spruce was charged for her thoughtcrime but fully vindicated at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, who found her “not guilty”. Under the ambiguous language of the Public Order Act, Isabel could potentially face criminal penalties on the basis of the thoughts in her mind in future.

Mounting concerns over UK “thought policing”

“I’ve been arrested twice and fully vindicated by a court verdict that upheld my freedom of thought, and yet even still, officers can continue to interrogate me for the simple act of thinking prayerful thoughts on a public street. This isn’t 1984, but 2023. No matter one’s beliefs on abortion, nobody should be punished merely for the prayers they hold inside their head.

Ahead of the new ‘buffer zones’ law being implemented, there is an urgent need for clarity as to everybody’s right to freedom of thought, as is protected in international human rights law. The Home Office’s draft guidance at least affirms that nobody should be criminalised on the basis of their thoughts alone. This is obvious common-sense protection for basic rights that must be upheld,” said Isabel Vaughan-Spruce.

On a different occasion, a Catholic Priest was arrested and charged for holding a sign within a buffer zone reading “praying for free speech”. With support from ADF UK, Father Sean Gough was found “not guilty”.

In a third instance in November 2022, a father of two and army veteran, Adam Smith-Connor, was criminally charged for praying about his own experience of abortion in a “buffer zone”. Over a year from when Adam committed his “thought crime”, he still awaits his trial. ADF UK is supporting his legal defense.

“Over the past 18 months, ADF UK hasresponded to an unprecedented need to support members of the British public facing criminal penalties or trials based merely on the thoughts that they held in their head. The UK must abide by its human rights obligations, under which nobody should be criminalised for their thoughts. It’s vital that we maintain this most basic standard of a liberal democracy. Once we allow for thought to be policed on one issue area, the precedent has been set for these abuses to proliferate.

Nobody should ever face harassment or aggression outside an abortion facility. But the law must protect the rights of those who are there to peacefully live out their convictions through offers of help or even silent prayer. It’s imperative that the Home Office respect these basic principles when finalizing its guidance,” said Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, the organisation which supported Vaughan-Spruce’s legal defence.