Northern Irish bakers Daniel & Amy McArthur will not be forced to ice messages that are incompatible with their religious beliefs
Continue readingUPDATE: Frankfurt court strikes down censorship zone around abortion organisation
A 40-Days-for-Life prayer group acted lawfully in gathering in front of the Frankfurt branch of the Pro Familia abortion organisation in 2020 – so ruled the Administrative Court of Frankfurt, Hesse, in a judgment handed down on 16 December.
Continue readingBulgarian pastors challenge government’s disinformation campaign against Christians
Two Bulgarian pastors are standing up against a scaremongering campaign by their local government to label all non-Eastern Orthodox Christians as sects and warn children off against them.
Continue readingSlovenian Court fails to protect free speech for pro-life NGO
In a blow for the right to freedom of expression, the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia found that the pro-life NGO Zavod ŽIV!M, whose bus ads had been removed in 2018, had not been discriminated against.
Continue readingGerman court to hear appeal on prayer vigil ban
A German court announced it will hear the appeal against a prohibition on silent prayer gatherings in the proximity of an abortion organization.
Continue readingADF International welcomes OSCE report promoting freedom of speech
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, publishes a special report on legal harassment and abuse of the judicial system against the media
Continue readingEU Resolution on Afghanistan demonstrates a “guilty lack of attention to Christians”, says Co-Chair of Intergroup on FORB
Failure to focus on the persecution of Christians can “lead politics to be timid towards regimes that violate religious freedom on a daily basis,” said Carlo Fidanza MEP.
Continue readingEU religious freedom envoy position now vacant while Afghan faith minorities face deepening crisis
Today, Christos Stylianides set to leave role as Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU, after less than five months in the role.
Continue readingThe G7 Forces Africans To Choose: China Or Progressivism
“This is not just about confronting or taking on China,” a senior official in Biden’s administration said this month. “But until now we haven’t offered a positive alternative that reflects our values, our standards and our way of doing business.”
Continue readingWhat to Watch as the Coronavirus Pandemic Continues
In evaluating a response measure, it is important to first understand the form it has taken — whether it is a legislative policy, executive order or decree, or a military ordinance and how that impacts the nature of the response measure.
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