“Don’t tell your parents”: Parents of Austrian primary school students subjected to radical “sexuality education” seek justice 

  • Teacher in Austria forced children to partake in disturbing “instruction” following WHO-Standards for sexuality education in Europe 
  • Students reported nightmares following the classes; Mother states, “Our daughter was robbed of her childhood”; ADF International backs the parents’ case  
Vienna (26 June 2024) – Elementary school children in Upper Austria were forced to partake in disturbing “sexuality education” lessons, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Over the course of a year, the children (aged 8-10) were subjected to sexually explicit “information,” images, and actions by their teacher, who further pressured them not to talk to their parents about what was happening.  ADF International is now backing the parents’ case for justice following the harm inflicted upon their children by way of the school’s “comprehensive sexuality education.”  Ideological curricula advancing the sexualisation of children are drafted and disseminated by international bodies such as the United Nations. Like most European countries, Austria has introduced “comprehensive sexuality education” based on WHO standards. This case demonstrates the real-world impact of these standards, subjecting children to inappropriate and abusive content in violation of both their rights and the rights of their parents. 

“Our daughter was robbed of her childhood, damaged, and disturbed. It is unacceptable that primary school children are being subjected to radically inappropriate content and that protective barriers against abuse are falling."

Making matters worse, the Upper Austrian Directorate of Education failed to respond to the parents’ complaints, once made aware of the situation. The parents’ case is based on the fact that not only were they not informed by the teacher as to the nature of her “courses,” but also they were met with a lack of transparency on the part of the Directorate. The Directorate has discontinued disciplinary proceedings against the teacher, a significant development that the parents discovered only from media reports. 

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Global Agenda 

Felix Böllmann, Director of European Advocacy for ADF International, states: “What happened to these Austrian children demonstrates the catastrophic implications of an agenda that seeks to indoctrinate children outside of the control of their parents.” 

The radical indoctrination of children through “sexuality education” curricula is a global problem. The World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO, and other actors within the United Nations system have dedicated enormous resources to the international promotion of so-called “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) to children without parental consent. CSE guidelines are rife with examples of the extreme sexually-explicit, ‘information’ children are to be taught from a very young age under the guise of “empowering” them.   

Böllmann continues: “Austria guarantees parental rights, recognising that parents are best positioned to protect their children, and these rights are likewise enshrined in international law. 

Parents should not have to fear the worst when they send their children off to school. No parent should have to worry that their child will be subjected to deeply problematic images and ‘information’ at the hands of their teacher.  

That is why we are pushing back against the surreptitious importation of this radical and explicit content–in this school, for the benefit of these students and their parents. But also for other children and parents who may not yet be aware of the materials being used in schools across Europe.” 

The ideology behind “comprehensive sexuality education” assumes that children should be sexualised from the first moments of their life. For example, Uwe Sielert, a proponent of extreme sexual pedagogy, worked together with the WHO Regional Office for Europe to develop the “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” in 2010. These standards promote an aberrant vision of sexuality education for children, far removed from basic sexual health information, in direct violation of the guaranteed rights of parents to raise and educate their children in line with their own worldview and free from harm. They lay the groundwork for cases such as that of these Austrian children who have been subjected to such content at the hands of their teacher. 

Parents have a great responsibility to protect their children from harm, but they can’t do that if they don’t know what is happening behind classroom doors. And children have the right to be protected from harm. Exposing children to radical ‘sexuality education’ thus violates the rights of both children and their parents,” Böllmann says. 

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Global Agenda 

At issue in this case is the compulsory participation of young students in classes containing graphic sexual content in the name of “diversity” education, without the knowledge or consent of their parents, ultimately made possible by European-wide “comprehensive sexuality education” standards. 

Students’ testimony details the disturbing content to which they were subjected, including how their teacher made them watch a graphic film and repeatedly described sexual practices in detail with words and pictures, even when the children objected. After the lessons, the children reported being “disturbed” and were visibly unable to process what they were shown and why. 

Our daughter was completely distraught when she came home from class. The content was in no way age-appropriate sex education, but rather deeply ideological content aimed at sexualising our children,” says the mother of one of the students. 

ADF International is backing the legal defense of these parents to hold both the school and Austrian authorities accountable for the failure to respect their parental rights.  

“ADF International is committed to supporting these parents in the defence of their basic human rights. The school must be held responsible for its duty to uphold the rights of parents to oversee the education of their children. The same applies to the duty of Austrian authorities to abide by the country’s international law commitments on parental rights,” Böllmann concludes 

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Elementary school children subjected to disturbing “sexuality education”

Parental Rights |  Elementary school children: Austria


Austria: Elementary School children subjected to radical “sexuality education” 

Topic | Parental Rights

Elementary school children in rural Vöcklabruck, Austria have been forced to partake in disturbing “sexuality education” lessons, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. For over a year, their teacher subjected the 8-9-year-olds to sexually-explicit “information,” images, and items, in addition to pressuring the students of the Rutzenmoos Primary School not to talk to their parents about what was happening. Further, the teacher increased pressure on the students to maintain secrecy after the parents sent an official complaint to the Austrian Directorate of Education. ADF International is now backing the parents’ case for justice following the harm inflicted upon their children by way of “comprehensive sexuality education.”  

What happened in Austria is not an isolated case but rather exposes the radical agenda behind the global promotion of so-called “comprehensive sexuality education,” in violation of the rights of both children and their parents. Ideological curricula advancing the sexualisation of children are drafted and disseminated by international bodies, including some United Nations agencies that are acting beyond their mandate, and then adopted wholesale by governments and schools without parental awareness or consent. School curricula in Austria and across Europe are based on the “WHO-Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” established in 2010. This case demonstrates the real-world impact of these standards, subjecting children to inappropriate and abusive content.  

“Parents should not have to fear the worst when they send their children off to school. No parent should have to worry that their child will be subjected to deeply problematic images and “information” at the hands of their teacher. ”


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Case summary

Background: School promises improvement in 2022  

At a parents’ evening in the fall of 2022, the teacher announced a workshop entitled “The Invisible Garden Fence,” with the stated goal of teaching children to communicate their boundaries. The parents were informed about the content of the workshop but not told that the teacher was planning detailed “sexuality education” lessons containing explicit content.   

In November 2022, the third-grade class was shown graphic photos and taught about sexual practices with explicit detail in class. The youngest children were 8 years old at the time. “The children were visibly disturbed after the lesson, “stated Karina Hochmeir, the mother of one affected child.   

After Mrs. Hochmeir and other parents confronted the school, both the director and the teacher promised it would not happen again.   

One year later: compulsive “sexuality education” lessons  

The same teacher, now in fourth grade, informed the parents that she would like to prepare the children for a workshop with a midwife in December 2023. However, she again failed to inform the parents about the “preparatory lessons” for the workshop, which focused on explicit age-inappropriate content.  

After these lessons, several girls spoke out about the disturbing content to which they were subjected. This included a graphic lesson on contraceptive use in which the teacher told them, you can “have sex with people you don’t like.”  

Memory logs from several children, including Mrs. Hochmeir’s daughter, show that the teacher repeatedly described sexual practices in detail with words and pictures even when the children objected. The children were forced to engage with the lessons by passing around explicit materials, including flavored condoms. After the lesson, the children reported being “disturbed” and were visibly unable to process what they were shown and why.  

Don’t tell your parents 

Neither the teacher nor the school informed the parents that a film screening on sex education was planned for a few weeks later in December 2023.  

Only later it was revealed that alongside an animated clip, the teacher showed a sexually-explicit film in which actors depicted a sex scene. According to Mrs. Hochmeir: “The children were again horrified and shocked.” The teacher rewound the scene multiple times and insisted that the children concentrate on watching the scene repeatedly.   

Some tried to cover their eyes. Two girls subsequently reported that they experienced nightmares of being abused following the film.  

The teacher instructed the children not to talk about the film or the content of their lessons with their parents or anyone else.  

Inappropriate books  

In this context, parents also became aware of some of the inappropriate content their children were being exposed to through the books offered at the school library.  

“Suddenly one child came home with a book from the school library that actually states that sex is something for children. Under the subtitle ‘What is sex?’ the first sentence reads: ‘Sex is for everyone, big or small, fat or skinny, and also for young ones like you!’ And we’re talking about elementary school kids here,” said Dr. Michaela Vamos-Karandish, another mother that is standing up in defence of her child at the Rutzenmoos school.  

“When parents send their kids to school, they should be able to feel good about that. In this case, the sex education lessons were obviously not coordinated with the parents,” stated Ombudswoman Elisabeth Schwetz who is supporting the parents in demanding age-appropriate sex education for their children.  

Dismissing serious concerns 

Despite all of these incidents, the School Directorate failed to adequately engage with the parents’ concerns. At first, the School Directorate dismissed the allegations brought forward by the parents without even contacting them. The parents only found out that their concerns had been dismissed through a newspaper article. They subsequently met with School Directorate officials only to have their concerns dismissed yet again with a generic statement stating that the content of the material and conduct of the teacher were in line with the curriculum. The parents were then obliged to turn to the Austrian Ombudsman to request that the disciplinary inquiry that had found no fault with the content or teacher be revised.  

The global promotion of radical “sexuality” education for children  

The radical indoctrination of children through “sexuality education” curricula is a global problem. The World Health Organization, UNESCO, and other actors within the United Nations system have dedicated enormous resources to the international promotion of so-called “comprehensive sexuality education” to children without parental consent. CSE guidelines are rife with examples of the extreme, sexually-explicit “information,” children are to be taught under the guise of “empowering” them.   

The ideology behind “comprehensive sexuality education” assumes that children are sexual beings from the first moments of their life. For example, Uwe Sielert, a proponent of extreme sexual pedagogy, worked with the WHO Regional Office for Europe to develop the 2010 “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe.” These standards promote an aberrant vision of sexuality education for children, far removed from basic sexual health information, in direct violation of the rights of parents. Further, they lay the groundwork for cases such as that of these Austrian children who have been subjected to abusive content at the hands of their teacher.  

“Catastrophic implications of an agenda” 

Parents have a great responsibility to protect their children from harm, but they can’t do that if they don’t know what is happening behind classroom doors. And children have the right to be protected from harm. Exposing children to radical ‘sexuality education’ thus violates the rights of both children and their parents.  

What happened to these Austria children demonstrates the catastrophic implications of an agenda that seeks to indoctrinate children outside of the control of their parents.  

Austria guarantees parental rights, recognizing that parents are best positioned to protect their children, and these rights are likewise enshrined in international law.  

Parents should not have to fear the worst when they send their children off to school. No parent should have to worry that their child will be subjected to deeply problematic images and “information” at the hands of their teacher.   

That is why we are pushing back against the secret importation of this radical and explicit content–in this school, for the benefit of these students and their parents. But also for other children and parents who may not yet be aware of the materials being used in schools across Europe,” commented Dr. Felix Böllmann, Director of European Advocacy at ADF International.  


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A young girl who expressed gender confusion at the age of 14. 

Her parents sought mental health care for her, rather than following the advice of a local public hospital to put their vulnerable daughter on life-altering puberty blockers. During this time, her school began to “socially transition” her, referring to her as a boy against the wishes of her parents.

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Tell the International Olympic Committee to Keep Women’s Sports for Women


Tell the International Olympic Committee to Keep Women’s Sports for Women

Men and women are different. And those differences matter. When society ignores biological reality, it’s girls and women who pay the highest price.

Tell the IOC to keep women’s sports for women.

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To: International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach and the IOC Executive Board

Men and women are different.

Their physical differences give men athletic advantages in sports. Scientific research affirms this reality.

However, governments and organizational bodies like the IOC have adopted policies that allow males who identify as female to compete in women’s sports. These policies prioritize feelings over fairness — ideology over truth.

As an organization governing athletics, the IOC must be held accountable for the many harms caused by allowing men to compete in women’s sports at the highest stage in the world, from lost medals and victories to privacy and safety violations.

ADF International is standing with women and girls across the world to protect female sports, private spaces, and basic fairness.

I Urge the IOC to Keep Women’s Sports for Women

A rising chorus of voices is joining ADF International and female athletes in holding the sports world and government officials to account.

Alongside them, I am raising my voice and asking the IOC to protect female athletic opportunities by ensuring that women and girls are not forced to compete against men at the Olympics.

The IOC’s voice matters. Others will follow your lead. We must act now to protect the dreams of every female Olympic athlete, in addition to every little girl with the goal of one day winning gold.

We urge you to take a clear stand against the injustice of allowing males to compete in female-only sports categories.

Keep Gender Ideology out of Sports

“Female sports and spaces belong to women and girls. Sports federations, national governments, and the United Nations can no longer ignore the voices of women and girls whose achievements have been directly affected by male participation in female sports categories."


"It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman. Girls everywhere need to know their value."

"It tells me that I’m not good enough; that my body isn’t good enough; and that no matter how hard I work, I am unlikely to succeed, because I’m a woman. Girls everywhere need to know their value."

“This is the sporting crime of the 21st Century. What is happening to women and girl athletes is a far-reaching human rights abuse with egregious implications for not only fairness and safety, but also for their opportunities to succeed in sports, scholarship opportunities, and beyond."

Our advocacy works for women's sports around the world

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Countries cannot be forced to introduce assisted suicide, rules Europe’s top human rights court

Jean-Paul Van De Walle outside of the European court of Human Rights
  • European Court of Human Rights rules in favour of Hungary’s right to uphold legal protections prohibiting assisted suicide; rejects challenge brought by Hungarian national seeking to end his life due to progressive neurodegenerative condition. 

  • Ruling affirms the right of 46 member states of Council of Europe to maintain laws protecting life. 

  • ADF International intervened in case, arguing that states have an obligation to protect the right to life, there is no “right to die”. 
Jean-Paul Van De Walle outside of the European court of Human Rights

Strasbourg (13 June 2024) – The European Court of Human Rights has upheld the right to life by striking down a challenge seeking to permit assisted suicide in Hungary. Hungarian national Dániel Karsai, diagnosed with a progressive neurodegenerative condition, had sought to undermine Hungary’s legal protections for life by challenging its ban on assisted suicide.

“Instead of abandoning our most vulnerable citizens, society should do all it can to provide the best standards of care."

In its decision, the Court affirmed that prohibition of assisted suicide is in line with the country’s obligations under international law to protect life. Additionally, as the court pointed out, “the majority of the Council of Europe’s member States continue to prohibit” euthanasia and related practices (§ 165). 

We applaud today’s decision by the European Court of Human Rights, which upholds Hungary’s essential human rights protections. Although we deeply empathize with Mr. Karsai’s condition and support his right to receive the best care and relief possible, it is clear from other jurisdictions that a right to die quickly becomes a duty to die. Instead of abandoning our most vulnerable citizens, society should do all it can to provide the best standards of care,” said Jean-Paul Van De Walle, Legal Counsel for ADF International.  

ADF International, along with UK-based NGO Care Not Killing, intervened in the case of Karsai v. Hungary, arguing that Hungary’s legal prohibition on assisted suicide must be upheld in line with the obligation under the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 2) to protect the right to life. 

Court: States are not required “to provide access” to assisted suicide 

In its submission to the Court, ADF International highlighted the inevitable abuses that ensue when legal protections for the right to life are eradicated. The brief explained: “Removing such provisions from law creates a dangerous scenario where pressure is placed on vulnerable people to end their lives in fear (whether or not justified) of being a burden upon relatives, carers, or a state that is short of resources.”  

The court held, as submitted by ADF International, that there is “no basis for concluding that the member States are thereby advised, let alone required, to provide access” to assisted suicide. (§ 143)  

Seeking to legalize assisted suicide 

Karsai, 46, wished to resort to assisted suicide before his physical condition further deteriorates. Hungary protects the lives of its citizens, including the vulnerable, by criminalizing the act of assisting somebody to end their life, whether the act is committed in Hungary or abroad. Mr. Karsai maintained that if he were to pursue assisted suicide outside of Hungary, the Hungarian Criminal Code would apply to anyone assisting him.   

The ruling in Karsai v. Hungary confirms the 2002 decision made by the ECHR in Pretty v. UK, which involved a woman with ALS. Back then, the Court similarly ruled that the British ban on assisted suicide did not violate the Convention and was designed to prevent abuse of the vulnerable.  

In today’s decision, the Court noted that “it is part of the human condition that medical science will probably never be capable of eliminating all aspects of the suffering of individuals who are terminally ill” (§ 158). However, it emphasized that “this heightened state of vulnerability warrants a fundamentally humane approach by the authorities to the management of these situations, an approach which must necessarily include palliative care that is guided by compassion and high medical standards” (ibid.). 

Legalisation leads to abuses 

Worldwide, only a tiny minority of countries allow assisted suicide. Wherever the practice is allowed, legal ‘safeguards’ are insufficient to prevent abuses, proving most harmful to vulnerable members of society, including the elderly, the disabled, and those suffering from mental illness or depression. Suicide is something society rightly considers a tragedy to be prevented and the same must apply to assisted suicide. Care, not killing must be the goal we all strive towards,” Van De Walle explained. 

ADF International argued in its brief that there is no so-called “right to die” but, in fact, a clear right to life. This position, in line with both European and international human rights law, underscores the dangers that would ensue from forcing Hungary to allow assisted suicide, highlighting that the intentional taking of human life can never be safe.  

The European Court of Human Rights also recognised these dangers in the October 2022 ruling in Mortier v. Belgium, in which the the Court found that Belgium violated the right to life in the circumstances surrounding the euthanasia of Godelieva De Troyer.  

As argued in ADF International’s intervention: “Despite alleged ‘safeguards’ and a ‘strict’ legal framework, young adults are euthanised because of ‘incurable depression,’ elderly people because of symptoms related to ageing, prisoners because of lack of access to appropriate mental health care or because of psychological suffering, twins because of becoming blind – to mention only some examples, among many others.” 

Euthanasia and assisted suicide widely prohibited and rejected as “unethical” 

Of the 46 Member States of the Council of Europe, only six have legalized assisted suicide. Legislators in the vast majority of countries have rejected the practice.  The World Medical Association consistently and categorically has rejected the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide as unethical. Countries that have legalized euthanasia now allow the intentional killing of children, those who are physically healthy, and those who have not given their consent.     

In Resolution 1859 (2012), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe stated unequivocally that: “Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be prohibited.”  

Once we as a society open the doors to intentional killing, there is no logical stopping point. How do we distinguish between the person we talk down from the bridge and the person we let die at the hands of their doctor? The state is obligated to protect the fundamental value of human life. We should not set in motion legal changes that undermine this obligation to the detriment of all of society,” noted Van De Walle.   

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Parental Rights Charter

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