As sitting MP and grandmother of 10 faced criminal trial in Finland for tweeting her Christian beliefs, legal organisation warns that pending censorship legislation in Scotland & Ireland could see similar scenarios unfold here
Continue readingThousands stand against abortion decriminalisation in Parliament Square, London
7,000 march through central London in support of “better options than abortion” for women & unborn babies.
Continue readingSATURDAY: Thousands expected to “March for Life” in London
Pro-life speakers will draw attention to the 200,000 abortions per year that occur in England & Wales, and demand better protections for women and babies.
Continue readingUSA: Appeals Court ends mail-order abortion regime
1 in 17 UK women who take mail-ordered abortion pills via “pills by post” scheme require hospitalization.
Continue readingArmy vet pleads “not guilty” following charges related to praying silently near abortion facility
Army veteran & father to face court proceedings for charges related to praying silently near abortion facility.
Continue readingSilent prayer “thoughtcrime” case to be heard tomorrow, Poole
Army veteran & father to face court proceedings for charges related to praying silently near abortion facility.
Continue readingLocal council prosecute army veteran over silent prayer in unexpected U-Turn
Bournemouth authorities criminally charge Adam Smith-Connor for silently praying in abortion facility “buffer zone” – hearing date set for 9th August.
Continue readingUN Human Rights Council affirms laws that criminalise blasphemy – UK gov pushes back
UK pushes back against UN Human Rights Council resolution backing penalties for defaming religion, including burning the Qur’an.
Continue readingAuthorities BACK DOWN over silent prayer penalty
Local authorities have ended action against Adam Smith-Connor, the army veteran and father who was issued a fine for praying silently within an abortion facility censorship zone or “buffer zone”.
Continue readingParents vulnerable to prosecution over pronouns, says recent CPS guidance
STATEMENT: Parents who “withhold money for transition” or “refuse to use preferred pronouns” for their children are now open to prosecution for abuse.
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