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Los tres pilares de nuestro modelo de acción global

Los tres pilares de nuestro modelo de acción global

Participación internacional

Estamos enfocados en la defensa legal en las principales instancias internacionales, impactando leyes y políticas a nivel mundial.

United Nations HQ

Our full-time presence at UNHQ in New York, where we hold ECOSOC consultative status, allows our reach to extend around the globe. Because of its widespread influence, the UN is at the center of the global conversation on life and family.

Organization of American States (OAS)
Our Latin American team maintain accreditation and a full-time presence at the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, DC. A multi-national organization, this body is designed to preserve state sovereignty while upholding human rights for its 35 Member States throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
We engage with the Commission, which has the task of promoting the observance and defense of human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. It meets several times a year to examine violations of human rights in the region.
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Our team intervenes at the Court, which enforces and interprets the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights, the main human rights instrument of the OAS. It hears and rules on specific cases, and also issues opinions on matters of legal interpretation.
Council of Europe
The Council of Europe (COE) is Europe’s leading human rights organization and includes 47 Member States. We maintain a full-time presence in Strasbourg in order to positively impact the COE's mission is to advocate for freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of assembly, equality, and protection of minorities.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
In Vienna, we engage with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which is the world’s largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization. It is an advisory body with 57 participating States that focuses on human rights issues.
European Union
The EU’s decisions affect millions of European citizens across 27 Member States. We hold accreditation with the European Commission and Parliament and participate at the EU's Fundamental Rights Platform in order to have a voice in its increasing involvement with social policy and human rights activity.
European Court of Human Rights
We advocate before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), which rules in cases in which there is an alleged violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court’s decisions affect more than 800 million Europeans across 46 Council of Europe Member States.
UN Human Rights Council
With our ECOSOC consultative status, our team of advocates at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva have a voice at the inter-governmental body made up of 47 States, responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.
Nuestras oficinas internacionales están ubicadas estratégicamente para realizar nuestra misión global, incluyendo el tener una presencia permanente en las principales instituciones internacionales.

Acción nacional

Abogamos por los derechos de nuestros clientes en los tribunales de todo el mundo, y defendemos sus libertades fundamentales en los organismos nacionales, asegurando victorias que establezcan precedentes que beneficien a todos.

Defendemos a nuestros clientes en los tribunales, junto a una red de miles de abogados aliados.
Exigimos a los Estados que cumplan con sus obligaciones internacionales en materia de derechos humanos.

Alianza global

Capacitamos y movilizamos a los líderes de hoy y mañana, para trabajar como una verdadera alianza global, creando cambios duraderos para las generaciones futuras.

Formamos líderes
Reunimos a una red mundial de abogados y aliados clave en gobiernos, medios de comunicación, academia, sociedad civil y más, a través de programas de capacitación como la Academia Areté y la Beca Legal Blackstone.
Capacitamos y movilizamos aliados

Proporcionamos recursos legales a individuos para la defensa de sus casos, incrementando exponencialmente nuestros esfuerzos globales por defender las libertades fundamentales.

Construimos una red global

Capacitamos y movilizamos una alianza global de abogados, comunicadores, decisores políticos, académicos y líderes de la sociedad civil en cada región del mundo, para proteger eficazmente las libertades fundamentales de todos.

Apoyamos a nuestros aliados a través de subvenciones, financiamiento y servicios de defensa legal. Obtener más información aquí.

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